Holy Family Catholic Academy's atheletic programs offer students great opportunities to not only build strong atheletic skills, but to also learn team sportsmanship and leadership. To see our players in action, we invite all past, current, and future parents, friends and community members to come and cheer on HFCA - Go Phoenix!
The philosophy of HFCA athletics is to offer a positive sports experience for student-athletes that emphasizes the development of athletic abilities, good sportsmanship and team unity. There are many opportunities for students to participate in athletics. Student-athletes in grades 5-8 compete in the Dallas Parochial League. The DPL sponsors volleyball, cross country and basketball for our students. Students 5th - 8th grade can participate in sports offered through a variety of community athletic associations.
Student Council: Members of the Student Council are very involved in service projects, both individually and as a group. These projects include food drives for St. Vincent de Paul, hospitality, and coodinating other service learning opportunities for younger grades. They also plan fundraisers, and provide leadership and manpower for these projects and others to strengthen thier own leadership skills.
National Junior Honor Society (NJHS): The NJHS is an international organization that consists of chapters in middle schools (grades 6-8). HFCA selects students having a grade average of at least 90 and having demonstrated stron performances in each of the standards. The NJHS, creates enthusiasm for scholarship, stimulates a desire to render service, promotes leadership, encourages responsible citizenship, and develops character in students of secondary schools.
Chess Club: Students meet after school once a week to learn various chess openings and strategies for playing the game.